
Raye's Journey

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Weekly Report #31 Beijing Trip, Running, and Cat Videos


Writing is different, writing requires an idea. In order to express this idea, one has to argue with oneself and debate with oneself. Words come out of the mouth and disappear with the wind, but words have to be written on paper. Everyone vaguely knows that words may be another face of oneself and need to be treated with caution.

  • He Cai Tou

I found that there is so much content that I owe, and among them are many remnants of various past events in my memory. There are interactions with different people in different times and spaces, and there are many memories worth careful consideration.

I seem to always believe in the theory of parallel universes, believing that the present moment is nothing more than a projection of the multidimensional universe unfolded by my choices. I recently watched a TV series called "Dark Matter", which tells the story of a multidimensional universe.

If you are used to the portrayal of multidimensional space in the Marvel Universe, where the protagonist travels to different times and spaces and can easily find his way back home, and the people and things around him have not changed at all.

Then you are completely wrong. The real multidimensional universe is far from that simple. "Dark Matter" is adapted from the novel of the same name, "Life Reset". Because the pace of the TV series is too slow, I read the novel first.

I thought that traveling through parallel universes was a simple matter, but you should know that not only your choices at the moment affect it, but the many choices of others can also cause significant changes in this world. The worlds that the protagonist traveled to in the first few times were almost all doomsday scenes. Even after he mastered the secret of traveling, it was almost impossible to return to the present moment that was only influenced by his own choices.

This is the true multidimensional universe. Don't think there is any regret medicine. Even if there is, it must go through thousands of attempts.

So record the present moment well~!

Trip to Beijing#

After traveling to Beijing during high school, it has been many years since I came to Beijing again. But now I am no longer the ignorant high school student, because this time I came for a business trip.

If you want to delve into an industry, of course you have to meet everyone in it. The purpose of our trip this time is to have in-depth communication with the developers of WeChat mini-games.

Introduce our capabilities to developers, popularize common issues, introduce the best solutions and best practices, and at the same time feel the enthusiasm of developers and answer their questions.

But I still have a resistance to Beijing. The trip in high school is now a bit funny to think about. I didn't have a good meal in Beijing for six days, which is completely contrary to the taste of a foodie like me. I also remembered what the counselor said at the dinner before we set off. This may be the best meal you will have on this trip to Beijing. The counselor really didn't deceive us hhh.

So in Beijing, I almost dare not go anywhere to eat alone. I also had a meal with an old classmate and a colleague working at Alibaba. Either Beijing roast duck or lamb scorpion. In Beijing, only those who dare to randomly choose a restaurant to eat are the real warriors.

After the developer conference, there was even a day off, but I have been to the common attractions in Beijing, such as the Temple of Heaven, the Summer Palace, the Forbidden City, the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, museums, and the Great Wall, so I didn't have the intention to go. I wanted to go to the National Library for a day, but I still followed my mentor to visit the Old Summer Palace.

In the evening, I went to Shichahai, a not-so-large amber, to experience the long history of Beijing's hutongs and see the grandeur of the royal palace.

The whole trip to Beijing didn't leave me with much impression, although it is a historical capital, but its position in my heart is far less than Xi'an, Luoyang, Nanjing, and other cities.

The biggest gain is that I finished reading a book called "The Eve of the Three Kingdoms: The Political Power of Scholars and the Collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty" (

Running and Focus#

For the purpose of losing weight, really for the purpose of losing weight, following the advice of the badminton coach, I started doing aerobic running on an empty stomach every morning.

It was quite difficult to stick to it at the beginning, after all, I had stopped running for a while.

I used to like running recklessly, starting with full power, and the speed on the treadmill directly reached 11 or 12, and I started running wildly.

But soon I couldn't stick to it. Running for five minutes was already the limit, so I had to slow down to 6 and start walking and catching my breath, and then speed up again when my energy recovered.

But I felt that it was necessary to make some adjustments, so I maintained a speed of 9 km/h to see if I could stick to running for half an hour.

I thought it would be an easy thing, after all, I could run at 11 km/h, so 9 km/h should be a piece of cake.

But soon you will find that sticking to running at a steady pace is a greater challenge.

At the beginning of the run, it naturally didn't feel like much, and even felt that the speed could be increased. But unfortunately, it was limited by the treadmill, so I could only slow down. In the later stage, I found that my physical strength couldn't keep up, but I couldn't slow down.

So I began to realize that if I could stick to running at a steady pace, it should greatly improve my physical fitness.

I have been running for two months now. I ran more diligently in June, but it was interrupted in July due to the business trip to Beijing.

Cat Photos#

No more words, cats are really cute, although they are not mine (I went to Chuan Ge's house in the afternoon to take pictures of cats).

Some Worth Sharing Records#

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